This is for anybody that wishes to change the font of their Symbian S60 device. Everybody loves something a little different. This will work with S60v5 and S60v3.
How to add new fonts:
Download and install the following files to your Memory Card:
After downloading a .ttf font, copy the file into E:data/Fonts/ ... run FontRouterMan to enable the .ttf font and reboot your phone. After doing this, you will be able to see your new font. If you want to remove a the .ttf file, you must switch off your device and remove the memory card. Start up the device, and insert the memory card. Go to where the .ttf file was placed, and delete it. You MUST keep the .ini file, and the .ftm file for the FontRouter to work 100%!
You can download a file from below, or visit
Fonts 101
1001 Free Fonts
Galette Semi (42kb)